Info & gezondheid - Overal info & health

  • D.O.B.: 24/03/2022 
  • PHPT: negative 
  • HD: B 
  • ED: 0/0 
  • PL: 0/0


Titels - titles

  • Belgisch Jeugdkampioen  - Belgian Junior Champion 
  • Luxemburgs Kampioen - Luxembourg Champion 

Show results

  • Sint Rombouts trophy Mechelen 2022, baby class 4th place - very promising 
  • Wallonia Dog Show Mons 2022 - puppy class - 1st place - very promising - best puppy
  • Lovanium Trofee Leuven 2022 - puppy class - 1st place - promising - best puppy
  • Mouscron 2023 - junior class - 1st place - excellent - best junior female - JCACIB 
  • Schaal der kempen 2023 - junior class - 3th place - Excellent  
  • Outdoor Zeeland (NL) 2023 - junior class - 1st place - very good 
  • Antwerp Dog Show 2023 - junior class  - 1st place - excellent - Best Junior - Best of Breed - JCACIB 
  • Flanders Dog Show Gent 2023 - junior class  - 1st place - excellent - Best Junior - JCACIB 
  • Pinkstershow (NL) 2023 - junior class  - 1st place - excellent - Best Junior - Best of Opposite Sex - CAC  
  • Genk LKV 2023 - intermediate class - 1st place - excellent - RCAC - RCACIB 
  • Mouscron 2024 - intermediate class - 2nd place - excellent
  • D.S.C.B. Clubshow 2024 - intermediate class - 1st place - excellent - Best female - Best of Opposite Sex - CAC  
  • Weelde 2024 - intermediate class - 1st place - excellent
  • Antwerp Dog Show 2024 - open class - 1st place - excellent - Best female - Best of Opposite Sex - CAC  - CACIB  
  • Flanders Dog Show Gent 2024 - open class - 1st place - excellent - Best female - Best of Opposite Sex - CAC  - CACIB  
  • Pinkstershow 2024 (NL) - open klasse - 2nd place - Excellent
  • NDS Le Quesnoy 2024 (FR) - open class - 1st place - excellent - Best female - Best of Opposite Sex - CAC    
  • IDS Douai 2024 (FR) - open class - 1st place - excellent - Best female - Best of Opposite Sex - CAC  - CACIB  
  • 111th IDS Luxembourg (LU) - open class - 1st place - excellent - CACL - CACIB - best female -  BEST OF BREED 
  • 112th IDS Luxembourg (LU) - open class - 1st place - excellent - CACL - RCACIB  

Nesten - litters

Als alles goed gaat zouden wij begin 2025 een nestje pups verwachten van Leia & Finn. 

Onze wachtlijst voor dit nestje is geopend! Wil je graag eens komen kennismaken en een plekje bemachtigen op de wachtlijst? Stuur gerust een mailtje naar

** English ** 

If all goes well, we would be expecting a litter of puppies from Leia & Finn in early 2025.

Our waiting list for this litter is open! Would you like to come and meet us and secure a spot on the waiting list? Feel free to send an email to